So I made yogurt Sunday night following a little more closely to this recipe I found online (& I read 5 or 6 of them comparing notes of each one):
Homemade Yogurt
What you need:
• A saucepan
• A thermometer
• 1 quart of milk
• 2 T. plain commercial yogurt (check to be sure it has live yogurt cultures in it.)
• A heavy crock or bowl
First, heat up the milk, stirring constantly so it doesn’t form a skin on top. Take it up to boiling and then immediately remove it from the burner. Let the milk cool back down. The perfect temperature for culturing yogurt is 112°. Anything over 120° will kill the live beasties. Anything under 90° will never provoke them to grow into yogurt.
While the milk is cooling down, I usually put really hot water in the crock so that it is nice and warm when I pour the milk into it. I also turn the oven on to “warm” for a couple of minutes and then off again. The oven is my warm place where the yogurt doesn’t get disturbed.
Once the milk has cooled to appproximately 112°, whisk 2 T. plain yogurt into about 1/2 c. of that warm milk. Get this whisked nice and smooth and then pour into the crock. Pour the warm milk in on top of that and stir it thoroughly. Cover the crock, wrap in a towel, and set it out of the way in the oven. Now, all you need is time.
After a few hours, the yogurt will start setting up. At that point, it still doesn’t have a real sour taste to it. After a few more hours, you’ll be able to taste that classic sour flavor.
**So - my result was: It was tasty but kind of runny (like drinkable yogurt -which was ok). I liked the taste, but the consistency was a bit thinner than I'd like ideally. I ended up making Cacik w/ some of it (a sort of yogurt/cucumber/dill soup) and it was perfect for that. I added some vanilla extract and some stevia to the rest of it and we drank it for breakfast. It was fantastic like that!
So tonight, I'm trying a different recipe using skim milk, non-fat powdered milk and a little different approach, but mostly similar. I have hope for a thicker consistency. I'll post again to let you know the results, and if it was a success, I'll post the recipe.
I LOVE YOGURT!!! So does the hubby... we always keep it on hand here and we both eat it pretty much daily.
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